Thursday 13 March 2014

Portrait shoot

A friend of mine asked me if I could take her portrait for her LinkedIn profile and of course I said YES. I love taking pictures, especially from people, but the both of us found this rather difficult yesterday.
gas poles and crocuses
Anyways, to start off my journey to meet her, I rode my bike to the train / metro station. On the way I say these beautiful crocuses. They were on a lawn sided by two rows of trees that threw lovely shadows on the ground.
shadows on crocuses
trees and crocuses
Then I took the metro to a stop near her house. When I looked up I saw some graffiti from the platform and I couldn't resist pulling out my camera.
A newspaper was hanging from the handrail, and there was a beam of light shining on the yellow wall.
newspaper on handrail
My friend picked me up from the metro stop and together we went to her house to chat a bit and then we went to a park nearby to take some photos.
tree pose
This is my friend in the 'tree pose' or vrksana. Like me, she is a yoga teacher. In between taking pictures of her, I couldn't resist taking pictures of the park. It was such a lovely day.
branch reflected in water
three ducks in a row
two swimming swans
I won't show any more pictures of my friend yet, maybe later. We found it both difficult to do this: she found it difficult to pose and to be relaxed in front of a camera. I found it difficult to find the right light and angle and to make her feel at ease. Maybe we have to practice this a few more times before we find the right picture for her profile. 

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